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welcome to the official website of Pauline McLynn

weetabix 12 July 2010

After a day of running around in stilettoes (MOIDAH on the toes/feet/STUMPSbelowmyankles) I did a pilates class and the only thing that kept me from hanging myself after was the hint from Mel (the Punisher) that weetabix and butter are a great combo* – I got left off at the Supermarket (as opposed to an Okaymarket) on the way home and got the makings of same and it is a GREAT thing altogether…actually maybe even better than that…I am in love again, though it’ll never take the place of kettle crisps in my affections (that’d be, like, IMPOSSIBLE)

*she is NEARLY forgiven for what she does to us for this…but NOT QUITE