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welcome to the official website of Pauline McLynn

Foxy 14 July 2012

Had to get up at stupid o clock as couldn’t sleep and, while wearily sighing, a most marvellous thing happened. As I was gazing out at my lovely garden and, I will admit, talking to myself…probably out loud…two foxes strolled along the back wall. I have never seen an urban Dublin fox and I honestly thought I might die of sheer delight. The two looked like teenagers, all sleek and slim. V v pretty. The rest of the day had a lot to do to come up to the standard of gorgeousness that the foxes set! I am almost tempted to get up early again in case they still by as perhaps this their regular visiting time?

Talked tea cosies on national radio afterwards, which was nice. I think people are going back to giving themselves a wee bit of me time when they brew a brew now as it is one of the cheaper treats you can give yourself and of course it is all the more pretty and enjoyable if you have a lovely cosie to wrap your tea pot in! FACT

Oh, and my bro Ian introduced me to fishmania on tv = erm, interesting. He also said he’d tape me a show called Paint Drying but I can’t seem to find that…