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welcome to the official website of Pauline McLynn

more than we thought 5 June 2009

OK last night I declared I was the squarest woman alive and no one can challenge that (well, see below). SO, on the last shooting day of JAM AND JERUSALEM (today) and on the back of David Carradine (at 72 or so) dying of a sex act, I was reminiscing on the Member of Parliament (UK – it could NEVER happen in Ireland…clearly) who was found strung up with an orange in his mouth and I posited the ‘fact’ that it was cos of the vitamin C – er, NO, it was cos the friggin orange was full of amyl nitratate – THAT is HOW SQUARE I AM – never knew! I am more likely to say to a guy ‘how about a berocca?’ for thrills than anything else!!!