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clouds 8 June 2009

I had one of those flights tonight where the sky was overcast from the ground but when the plane flew above the clouds they were like soft cotton balls below us – they looked like you could step out and bounce on them like some big, fluffy trampoline. Of course, there’s been a new cloud ‘discovered’ called an asperatus – that’s probably quite technical and if I knew anything about clouds the name alone would explain what kind of cloud it is but I can’t help feeling meterologists have missed a chance to call something a magnificus or a slendidus or suchlike.

Tried a cup of Orange Pekoe tea just now and it wasn’t what I expected – I actually did think it would taste of orange (like, perhaps an orange oil might have been added or whatever) but it is in fact a lovely black (?) tea. Seemed delicious but the caffeine might keep me awake and I am trying to get into regular early sleeping habits again as I start filming in Manchester on Wednesday and want to be rested, so spending an hour in bed waiting for the buzz to wear off is not on. Am now on fennel tea instead, which is one of the herbals that I think does actually deliver genuine taste and enjoyment (some of them are a waste of boiling a kettle)