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welcome to the official website of Pauline McLynn

cave 9 January 2011

Himself got me to cut out the big 4 carbs some time ago, so we don’t eat potatoes, rice, pasta or bread much at all anymore. And we’ve been good on avoiding processed food. Indeed, when an article about eating like a caveman/cavewoman appeared in a paper today he assured me that was essentially what we’ve been following…BUT turns out parsnips and root vegetables in general aren’t really allowed. There has followed a decline in the household, particularly as Richard has a passion for the Roast Parsnip (he, like, REALLY loves ‘em)…and he found out peanuts are a legume not a nut and kinda not cavemanny enough for the ‘diet’…I waved an allowed walnut at him but it hasn’t quite returned the sparkle to his eyes…